Sunday, August 24, 2008

Baskets & Blooms...

I received this great gift from's the new Bigz from Sizzix through SU.
Isn't it the cutest thing!I used the new designer paper: green tea from SU.
The bottom, not shown here is a little difficult to attach...
but everything else is okay to put together.
I love how danity it is...
hope you get one too so you can make one of your own!



Nice color combination, especially the tag. The die is on my wish list.

Michelle Alejandro

Hey Joy, so sad that the Olympics are over :0(. What will we watch at 2am now? Like the colors on this bag! Can you make me 50, lol, just kidding! Talk to you later!


Ooh, I love this basket! I had a hard time at first too, but it's not so bad. I love the colors you used!

Ethan Mashimo

love it!!

how do you find the time to do the cutest things????

do you need a bff in seattle? =P so we can trade raks too!?!??!


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